Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kinect for Xbox 360 Sells 1 Million Units in 10 Days

With any luck, the next house party you attend will feature Dance Central instead of the usual Rock Band fare.

Microsoft has just announced it has sold more than 1 million units of Kinect for Xbox 360 worldwide in the first 10 days after the product’s launch.

Additionally, Microsoft says it’s pacing to sell more than 5 million units by the end of the year. This news comes just a week after Sony visualized sales figures for its Kinect competitor, PlayStation 3 Move.When you consider that Kinect for Xbox 360 won’t even reach most of Asia until November 18 and Japan until November 20, the 1 million units in 10 days figure is even more impressive.

Buoyed by positive reviews and a solid game lineup, Kinect for Xbox 360 is shaping up to be a big winner this holiday season. The controller-free system, which includes the Kinect sensor, can be purchased separately or in a package. Microsoft didn’t break out sales of the systems and the add-on, only saying that 1 million Kinect units were sold.

Existing Xbox 360 owners can buy the Kinect system for $149.99. An Xbox 360 console with 4GB of storage and the Kinect kit sells for $299.99. For $399.99, consumers can get an Xbox 360 with a 250GB hard drive and the Kinect add-on.

Microsoft says that according to NPD, the Xbox 360 has led video game console sales in the United States for the past four months. Another part of the console’s allure is the ability to watch premium video content from Netflix and Hulu Plus and the ever-expanding library of Xbox Live titles.

As motion-controlled consoles go, Kinect takes a different approach from what Nintendo pioneered with the Wii, and even beyond what Sony is doing with PlayStation Move. By making the controller disappear and capturing full body movements, Kinect shows some really interesting possibilities for immersive gaming.

Have you played with Kinect? What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.

[via mashable]


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