Thursday, December 2, 2010

YouTube Launches Skippable Ads

YouTube has officially launched its new TrueView ad format, allowing site visitors to avoid watching ads they’re not interested in. Users will now be able to look for a countdown button that will let them skip an ad after it plays for five seconds. In some cases, viewers will be able to select which ad to watch out of three pre-roll options.

As we reported back in June, YouTube had been experimenting with the button — allowing users to stop ads from playing — for awhile. The other option, allowing users to select which ad to watch, is similar to the one offered on Hulu, where long-form video content has typically had a stronger presence.

It looks like some advertisers are reacting positively to the new ad format. Some have said TrueView is a cost-effective advertising option that provides them with a better ability to target their audience.

“Thus far, we’ve seen about a 40% view-through rate and since we only pay when potential customers actually watch a video, we have more control over our budget,” said Lee Topar, director of online marketing for GoPro, in a statement to Google’s Inside AdWords blog.

TrueView, which is presently only available to advertisers with managed accounts, isn’t all that widespread on YouTube just yet. Advertisers can decide whether they’d like to use TrueView or stick with the usual non-skippable platform. Meanwhile, YouTube says it’s working on providing more choice and control in advertising to its users.

YouTube TrueView

YouTube Ad Choices
[via mashable]


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